What I'm currently writing...

Coming Soon: A Not So Normal Star Wars! Love A Not So Normal Week by Bluesaber3? Want to see those characters again, but in parodies of the Star Wars movies? You've come to the right place!


Oh dear...

It has been over a month since I last posted here. I have lost inspiration for my Not So Normal Star Wars, however, that may very well be solved by the reading some of the original NSNW by Bluesaber. :) Perhaps I can plan for the first chapter of NSNSW to be released shortly after Blue releases the last chapter of NSNW3...

Also, as I have been watching regency movies lately, I have had the inspiration to write a regency book myself. And maybe even a Pride and Prejudice two, though that might be doubtful. Awhile back I started a PotC fan-fiction but it didn't go far. At all. :P

Anyway, stay tuned! If nothing else I should be doing NaNo this year. :)

~The Writer