What I'm currently writing...

Coming Soon: A Not So Normal Star Wars! Love A Not So Normal Week by Bluesaber3? Want to see those characters again, but in parodies of the Star Wars movies? You've come to the right place!


Padme's Pregnancy Diary- Day Two

Well, my second day of writing, anyway. I'm actually about 117 days pregnant. I can't believe it's been, like, four months already! And I didn't find out that long ago! I suspected for quite awhile, but... I didn't want to risk going to a doctor before I talked things over with Ani. He was concerned when we first found out and he told me if I ever think I'm pregnant again, to just go for the safety of myself and the babies.

I made some tickers about the babies and I. Here's one with how big they are and how they are growing:
This one is kinda cute, it's how big the babies are in proportion to different things, like watermelons. It gave me a giggle.http://lilypie.com/Maternity_code.php
And here's one with how big I am:http://lilypie.com/Maternity_code.php
Ani and I have an anniversary coming too! We've almost been married for three years! Here's the amount of time we've been married: http://daisypath.com/Anniversary_code.php
And here's the countdown to our next anniversary!http://daisypath.com/Anniversary_code.php

Well, I'm craving cookies and still sleepy, so night all!

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