The Secret Life of Ri'ma Kenobi
Part One: The Phantom Menace and Secret Romance
Chapter Seventeen
The last few weeks of the pregnancy passed and it came time for the child to be born. Obi-Wan was at the Jedi temple training Anakin- they were almost done- when his comlink sounded. Knowing the time was close at hand for his wife to have the baby, Obi-Wan never ignored incoming messages in case they were from his wife. And it was.
"Eirtae'? You doing ok, honey?"
Eirtae' was breathing hard, Obi-Wan could hear her over the com.
"Obi-Wan, I think it's time."
Obi-Wan walked away from Anakin's intense, inquisitive blue-eyed stare and focused on his wife.
"Eirtae', are you sure? This could be more Urton-Tykes contractions, the ones that come to prepare your body for labor, not labor itself."
"No..." Eirtae' panted. "These are different. This is the real thing, Obi-Wan!" She was almost in tears.
"Alright, honey, hang on, I'll be right there!!" Obi-Wan snapped shut the com and hurried out of the training room and down the hallway of the Jedi Temple, barely noticing Anakin hurrying along behind him.
"Master Obi-Wan, wait!" he called, but Obi-Wan didn't stop.
"Anakin, I have to-"
"I know, I sense it!"
"Sense what?"
Master Windu came around the corner, stopping Obi-Wan and Anakin in their tracks. Mace folded his arms across his chest.
"Where are you two hurrying off to in the middle of training hours?"
Obi-Wan gulped and looked at Anakin, but somehow his apprentice had vanished.
C & CC greatly appreciated!! :D
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